>>>>From Chess.com<<<<< There are many ways to end a chess game.
Sometimes the result is clear. However, there are situations when
some players have questions about the result or why the game suddenly
To clarify these situations, here are eight typical ways to end a chess game. Win/Lose:
Insufficient material
50 move-rule
There are three main ways to win or lose a chess game: checkmate,
resignation and timeout. Check out the games and videos below for
One of the most common ways to end a chess game is by checkmate. This
happens when one of the players is threatening the other king and it
cannot move to any other squares, cannot be protected by another piece
and the checking piece cannot be captured.
If all of these conditions are met, the attacking player wins via checkmate. Can you find the way Black delivered checkmate in one move?
queen threatens the white's king and it can not escape or move to any
square because all black pieces are controlling the escape squares.
Consequently, black wins by checkmate.0-1
Black to Move
The checkmate above was really easy. However, in elite tournaments like the PRO Chess League, sometimes the checkmate appears in less obvious forms.
In the following Twitch clip you will see an amazing checkmate with two knights by Zhao Jun.
While some games end by checkmate, there are many that don't get that far.
Sometimes one of the players believes that he or she will be
checkmated soon and resigns instead of playing out the game. In the
following game you will see that after White's move the checkmate is
imminent, so the player with black pieces resigns. Can you find the move that made Black resign?
this move, black resigned as seeing that any possible move would lead
to checkmate or losing too much material. A possible continuation could
have been1...
If black decides to move the king, it automatically loses the queen and the game2.
White to Move
However, pay attention! Sometimes we think we are losing when we are not. In the following game, the 2018 U.S. chess champion Sam Shankland was playing against the super-grandmaster Anish Giri in the 2019 Tata Steel chess masters tournament and he resigned in a drawn position!
Shankland resigned because he knew that after losing his knight it's a
fortress with his king on a8, but he didn't know it's also a fortress
with his king on c8! For example:
Timeout is a painful way to lose a chess game. It does not matter how
much of an advantage you have on the board or whether you have
checkmate in one move. If you run out of time, you automatically lose
the game if your opponent has the minimum material required to force a
checkmate. If your opponent does not have the minimum amount of material
for checkmate and you run out of time, the game is a draw—even if you
were winning.
Managing your time and using it carefully across the game is critical.
Below you can see an example from the Pro Chess League where Andrew Tang was able to win by timeout in a very complicated position.
Timeout can also happen by disconnection, when one player is no
longer connected to the server. In this case, a timeout loss is assigned
to the disconnected player. At Chess.com, we give the disconnected
player a fair amount of time to reconnect, but not too much to make the
opponent wait long for the game to finish.
While most of the ways to win or lose a chess game above are clear,
draws can be a little more complicated. For people who are just learning
to play chess, understanding rules like stalemate or insufficient
material can be difficult. The following explanations should make things
more clear.
In the following example, White has one extra pawn. But when White
tries to push it to the very end, it leaves the black king without any
legal moves, and so the game is a draw by stalemate.
There are cases where one player has more pieces than the opponent
toward the end of the game. However, that is not always enough to win
because some combinations of pieces cannot force checkmate.
The game is declared a draw whenever both sides do not have the "sufficient material" to force a checkmate. Insufficient material (no checkmates are possible or no checkmates can be forced):
King vs king
If both players have only the king, the draw will be automatically declared, as neither of them can win.
Endgames where there are just two kings are a draw.
King + minor piece vs king
A king and a minor piece (bishop or knight) cannot win the game alone
because there is no possible way to checkmate with just these pieces.
The game is an automatic draw.
Checkmate with just king + knight or bishop is not possible.
Lone king vs all the pieces
What happens if one of the players has all the pieces but the other
player has just one king and the first player runs out of time? In this
example, White should win—but ran out of time!
Since the player with the black pieces can not checkmate with just
the king, the game is also declared drawn. This is very important to
point out as running out of time will not always mean losing the
game—sometimes it's a draw.
This is sometimes called "timeout vs insufficient material."
If White runs out of time, Black would not win because it has no pieces to force checkmate.
King + two knights vs king
With this combinations of pieces checkmate is possible, but it cannot be forced. The game is a draw.
The king with two knights won't be able to checkmate unless the opponent helps.
King + minor piece vs king + minor piece
Checkmate with a king and a minor piece vs another king and a minor
piece is possible as long as the two minor pieces aren't bishops of the
same color. But the checkmate cannot be forced without help from the
opponent. The game is drawn.
You cannot force a checkmate with these minor pieces.
If you're wondering how a checkmate (with help from the opponent) is
possible, see below. Since the checkmate cannot be forced, though, the
game is a draw.
is an extreme scenario in which the black player has helped and has put
his king on h8 and his bishop next to it removing the only square that
black had to escape. Here, white plays1.
wins the game. But again, as said, that is very rare and always needs
to count with the player cooperation to make this happen.1-0
50 move-rule
The 50 move-rule allows either player to claim a draw if no capture
has been made or no pawn has been moved in the last 50 moves.
The longest chess game ever played
could not have happened today, as it would have been declared a draw
much earlier. In earlier times, 100 moves were allowed without a pawn
move or a capture.
Ivan Nikolic vs. Goran Arsovic
1/2-1/2 Belgrade Belgrade YUG 17 Feb 1989
ECO: E95
The threefold-repetition rule says that if a position arises three
times in a game, either player can claim a draw during that position.
This rule was created to avoid games repeating indefinitely because
players were making the same moves again and again. In online play, this
draw happens automatically on the third repetition.
has one piece less. However, it has an aggressive attack. If white
plays calmly, black will defend and win the game. And otherwise, if
black plays calmly, it will receive checkmate. Knowing this, white
immediately forced check:1.
It is worth mentioning that if black does not go to f8 and instead captures the bishop, it automatically loses by checkmate5...
When both players decide they want to draw the game, there is a draw
by agreement. Most of the time this is because they believe that neither
player can obtain an advantage.
But draws by agreement can be controversial if they come quickly in a
game when both players want a draw due to a tournament situation.
To offer a draw on Chess.com, press the draw button.
In the example below, Grischuk and Mamedyarov agreed to draw in just 16 moves.
Alexander Grischuk vs. Shakhriyar Mamedyarov
1/2-1/2 World Championship Candidates Berlin GER 18 Mar 2018
Round: 7
ECO: D38
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